Thursday, November 17, 2011

Bridal Shows

I'm not the only woman who has dreamt of her wedding day since she was a little girl. I may, however, be of a handful of women who went to a Bridal Show before she was actually proposed to.


Thankfully, I have no Bride-shame. Bridal shows have quickly become a pleasurable pass time. Last weekend my Mom and I attended the Needleman's show at the Inn at Essex.

First of all, the Inn at Essex venue for weddings, is designed for 22 year olds who are marrying men with Roman numerals after their last names. Not that there is anything wrong with that, only that it's stuffy and has zero personalization.

Secondly, Needleman's sucks. I know I shouldn't be so judgy, but seriously?! The experience MOH and I had in South Burlington was disgraceful. We had gone there originally to look at potential bridesmaids dresses. Not only did the ill-informed garden gnome not have what we were looking for, the entire showroom was unavailable for reorder. That and she had a lisp. It was too much to bare. We quickly fled, making a pit stop for seltzer and beef jerky.

Back to the Bridal show...

They showcased a cake caterer whose cupcakes were so bad I literally had to spit out my mouthful of 'red velvet with cream cheese frosting.' I may or may not be a cupcake snob. However there is NO excuse for a frosting that burns your mouth with sugary sweetness and dry-as-the-Savannah cake.

Mom and I rounded out this experience forging signatures on my Bride-to-be registration card and buying an actual dessert from the culinary student's case.

Here's to this weekend's Bridal Show going much better!


Friday, November 4, 2011

How Every Gal Feels the Day After...

Too funny...too true. Shannie is lucky in that she is already a teeny tiny bride. Most work outs we will be doing are triceps, and I do not mean push ups, I mean red wine glass from table to mouth.

<3 MOH

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Kate and I started creating prototypes of the crafts I want to incorporate to the wedding. There are several different projects that we will work on over the next 10.5 months and getting an accurate timeline requires prepping materials. Sitting down and actually making one or two of each craft to see what works, what doesn't and how quickly we will be able to knock these out!

We want to make centerpiece lanterns, favors, ring pillow, photo-booth props, etc. By shopping Michael's sales and bringing along our coupons we are getting materials for a song and using our collective effort.

**Full disclaimer: Kate is truly the artsy one. I am merely an apprentice, although I'm getting some great on the job training. I want it to feel like these are my ideas and be fully involved with every touch of our wedding. I'm so lucky that my MOH was a studio art minor in college.

So, this past week, we started an art project that I don't want to talk too much about as they are surprises for my Bridesmaids. I'm really excited about this, even though it may take several weeks (ok, probably a couple of months) to finish all of them. Well worth it I think. I even created an original color!

As things come along, I will post photos.

Love ,


It feels like it took forever, but our Save-The-Date magnets arrived yesterday! They look really great and I'm excited to get them in the mail early in the week. Gabriel has a few extra addresses he has to fish for but we are in great shape with our Google Docs Excel sheet.

MOH Kate originated an eight page private doc that has kept track of guest list, music selections, craft ideas and vendors. It was a bit overwhelming when it arrived in my inbox, however it has been such a help keeping track of key wedding items. The best part? It's totally free! It's totally replaced my need to buy Office for iOS for over $150. (Sorry Mr. Gates)

I sat down last night and got to work writing out addresses and I was smart when I ordered 80. Some are easier, as they go to whole families. I think our furthest invite award goes to Gabriel's brother and future sister-in-law out in Oakland! We are so excited to fly out there in June to visit and attend their wedding.

Another thing off the To-Do List. Look for the magnets coming to a mailbox near you!


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Keep Calm...It's just a TEMPLATE


Very odd...

Once I tried out "dynamic" blogging (which confused poor Shannon to death) I tried to switch back to the old turquoise/golden thing I had going on with the white lace dresses only to find it had magically disappeared from the blogosphere.

We'll have to settle for happy spring colors and dandelions for now!


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Who has the best MOH!?

THIS GIRL! I got a very special treat in the mail today...

Tell me this isn't the most awesome thing a future-bride could be wearing? I am so in love with it and see myself wearing it for years to come. Because I love it so much in fact, I have ordered one for my future-sister-in-law, Jessica. She is marrying Gabriel's older brother Colin in June 2012. We are commiserating on wedding planning together. It's been a great for ideas and support.

THANK YOU KATE POST! You are the MOH with the most! Love you.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

True Love Is...

I'm sitting on my couch with a head cold, admiring the October sun and listening to Beauty Queen Sister. Our baby is (thankfully) taking his morning nap and I'm having a deep moment of reflection.

"I have nothing to give, except for to live, as the person you know me to be."

True love is... being enough for each other. You and me. Me and you.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

New Trend: Flash Mob Proposals

I'm just sitting at my desk trying not to cry right now at how beautiful this is!
Thanks to Marie D., one of Shannon's fabulous bridesmaids, for passing this along!

Thursday, September 22, 2011


My lovely-wifey-to-be-a-real-wifey has decided to distinguish myself as the MOH (as all bridesmaids except the junior will be in a matching amethyst Vera Wang silk chiffon gown, no big deal...) I am going to wear a fascinator in my hair.

DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY THOUSANDS OF GORGEOUS FASCINATORS THERE ARE ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB? Just use stumble upon ans select "Wedding." You'll be lost for hours !Here's one outstanding site, so beautifully laid out. Who knew fabric flowers could cost so much? I mean come on...did you mill it yourself, hand dye it, fashion it into a flower, then sprinkle it in magic fairy dust? Looks like it but I doubt it!

It's simply fascinating, and overwhelming. I want so much to just "make" mine, but there are so many fabulous international female artisans to support.

I have been corresponding with Kate(I think it's fate,) located in Australia, over etsy to have this item below custom made with emerald instead of ivory feathers:

Yes, it's $94.95, but the shipping is free, it would be custom made and one of a kind, and I would certainly wear it again to say...her daughter's baby shower...or my rehearsal dinner...the bachelorette party...who knows! Her whole shop "Spoiled Pretty" is adorable.

Can't WAIT to fascinate,


The Internet Is Amazing

I am simply astounded by all the gorgeous wedding blogs out there. King of makes me feel like I need to step my game up with this one!

Where Shannon and I plan to junk all next summer long to find unique vintage doors, window panes, glass, etc. for her Vermont Country Romantic wedding, these guys took it to a whole new level of profitability and specifically rent fabulous vintage decor for weddings! I figured we'd just auction our findings on eBay or Etsy after the soiree (or put them away for ME.) Check these guys out: Milk Glass Rentals.

I mean, maybe it would be easier to rent rather than own? I have always thought a little outdoor living room scene for pictures and lounging at my wedding would be absolutely fabulous, and this makes it much easier to pull off.

Love that vintage feel,


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Oleg Cassini

Who? you may be asking.

Oleg Cassini was a French designer whose clients included the late and elegantly dressed Jackie Kennedy. His latest client? Well, it's me! That's right world, I FOUND MY WEDDING GOWN!

Last Sunday I went back to David's with the MOH, Mom and my baby step-sister Lauren.

I wanted to try on a different genre of dress that day then my first find, and I certainly did. The dresses had a lot more detail, lace, and beading. My future-sister-in-law Jessica (who is getting married June 8, 2012!!!) said it best, "This should be the fanciest dress you ever wear." I kept that on repeat in my head while playing dress up in front of these women.

Then there was this Oleg dress. A fundamental shift happened within me when I put it on. I finally felt like this was a dress to get married in. This is what I wanted my fiance to see me in when I become his wife. I had tried on a couple before this one, and even a couple after. I even put on the sweet Vera from my previous visit.
Oleg kicked Vera's ass.

With the Oleg, I will be able to wear my great-grandmother's pearls! This dress made my mother cry.

I didn't even want to take it off to put on 'regular' clothes again. It will arrive hopefully by January. I will have plenty of time to try and retry it on. Because I was able to order it in petite, I hopefully won't need to do too many alterations. However, if there is any left over lace, the MOH Kate already has ideas about how to use the scraps.

I can't get over what a huge accomplishment it is to have ordered my wedding gown. Or that I actually paid for half of it!

Even if the rest of the wedding planing goes to pot, I will marry the love of my life in a perfect dress.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011


In college, a room mate of mine, Rachel M., loved this website, Storypeople. I would visit it from time to time reading things that made my heart ache. Things that made me smile.

I stumbled upon the website again tonight and found this quote. Although I partially agree with it, I'm finding myself much more romantic about the wedding and far more in love with my future husband than it sounds.

"You seem very calm for a woman who's getting married, I said & she nodded. It's on my to-do list, she said, so there's no point in agonizing about it."

That's what I need to remember, not to agonize. 25 years from now, I won't remember if my bridesmaid's eyebrows weren't waxed or that I got a blister from my new shoes. I will (hopefully) remember the way my heart fluttered when I saw his face, walking toward him, to become his wife. I will remember the blur of happiness that surrounded us in the form of our family and friends.

True Love Is...

Whisking the chocolate syrup into the milk with a fork. Not stirring it with a spoon. Creating a well blended late-night snack!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Photo Shoot Day!

It's been raining. A lot. I had envisioned having our photos taken outside, at the Burrow. Bridgette, our talented photographer friend is setting out for Ghana on the 12, so they had to be done within two weeks of our engagement! So with a tight timeline to get our engagement photo shoot done this week, I was disappointed to see so much rain on the forecast.

Today though, the rain stopped. Albeit cloudy, Henry and I drove down to Basin Street to meet Gabriel and Bridgette. After a quick nursing session we walked outside and got to work. Because we were able to shoot in our venue location, I got a feeling of what shots I will also want come the Big Day. Bridgette has a great eye for portraiture and used the barn, trees, flowers and swings to our advantage. I kept sneaking previews on the back of her Nikon Digital SLR and was getting so excited to see some of the results.

She also posted a teaser sample of some of our shots to Flickr to tide me over until I get the disk!

We were also fortunate to get a few in of the three of us and Henry alone, as he is 6 MONTHS OLD TODAY! Although Gabriel protested getting gussied up to go outside I think he is pleased with how they turned out as well.

I hope you enjoy and look out for your 'Save the Dates' coming to a mailbox near you!


Follow Up on Bridesmaids Shopping

So-That Alfred Sung we loved? About $200 and not in stores in Vermont. It only in two kinds of SATIN---FAIL!

However, we had absolute success last night and found a fabulous VERA WANG for all of Shannon's senior bridesmaids to wear. Now we need to tackle her Junior Bridesmaid, flower girl, groom/groomsmen, and ring bearer!

As the lovely lady Heather at the local David's Bridal pointed out, the Sung we were in love with is so retro and "Man Men," it would completely changed the look and feel of the wedding-taking it from "VT Romantic" to "Quirky Vintage." Not a bad idea, but definitely not Shannon's vision.

Remember that green dress in one of my first entries, You Say Potato, I Say Vera Wang? What a complete trip it was to have ripped that very dress out of magazines months ago, coveted it, blogged about it, then walked into a local store between a Michael's Crafts and a Staples last night to try it on!

It ended up being absolutely stunning, the perfect purple, and fit right into Shannon's Romantic/outdoor/ethereal theme. The word of the night was definitley "Diaphanous." I felt like a goddess in it.

The seemingly terrifying, insurmountable task of finding a perfectly purple dress that every bridesmaid will love and look stunning in is OVER-and Shannon has been engaged only a whopping 9 days!

Not only is it over, it's an affordable (for Vera Wang, and costs less than most J. Crew dresses) and very, very easy dress for every girl to access, as there are over 300 David's in the nation!

This is really a dream come true. I'm still trying to come off the high from finding such a perfect gown so easily. Shannon and I could not stop laughing hysterically in shock, shoveling our faces with dark chocolate flips and beef jerky as she drove me home from the store at 9:00 pm (what a healthy dinner!)

Love that we can check THAT off the list! ~Kate

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Color Me Bridesmaid

Shannon and I are heading over to Needleman's to touch some peau de soie and silk faille and paw through some bridesmaids dresses. Maybe a white one too....who knows!

We both fell in LOVE with this Alfred Sung number found through the Dessy group (consequently one of THE coolest wedding fashion/acessories site I have ever seen.) Websites without prices do put the fear of God in me was through locate a retailer that I found Needleman's to be an authorized vendor of this dress. A few voice mails later I come to realize that they only carry After Six, the cheaper little sister of Alfred Sung in our Burlington store, but have plenty of books and swatches for both labels. I would just hate us to have our heart set on something so lovely and flattering and it cost $400. The goal cost for dresses is $150 or less for the maids, but it must be said, this one is super chic, seriously a wear it again, and has this almost "mad men" feeling to it:

If anything, Dessy made me realize I do not know as much about fabrics as I assumed I had. One thing I do know for certain: No SILK MATTE. This is not a 1980's prom folks, it's a classy Vermont-Country-Romantic wedding.

I have so much more to write about color too. I could write a novel really. Pantone wedding? AWESOME!!! Any artsy fartsy bride or really any bride in that matter should be heavily invested in their wedding's colors. It says so much about your season, you as a couple, sets the mood...

According to Pantone, turns out maybe miss Fitzpatrick's idea of "Emerald" is really "Ivy" or "Shamrock." Shamrock is just so fitting (Shannon Marie Fitzpatrick...Irish much?) If colors could be legal or illegal, Pantone is the law, so if they say potAYto, you do not say poTAHto!

More soon!

Loooooooooooooove purple and green, no matter what you call them,

Kate M.O.H.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Oh For The Love of Vendors!

I have started making appointments to reserve the big rentals. Because we have a private venue (which I'm in love with) we have to rent everything from tent to dessert spoons. Mom and I are going to have a meeting with a lovely woman, Emily at Vermont Tent Company this week! I am in the process of making an Excel sheet with must-rents and ideas that will depend on cost.

For instance, if one of my super-handy uncles is willing to build me a bar I can cover with linens and decorate for cheaper than $69 (cost to rent) I might as well do that and then sell it to some Frat House up at UVM. Just a thought...

I also need to set up a meeting with our caterer in the next month or so. Gabriel has expressed his desire to have input on food-- which I am game for. We are thinking BBQ style (pulled pork is his favorite food) and then pot-lucked hors d'oeuvres.

And here comes my anxiety... One thing at a time. I will feel better with a deposit down on the tent-- after that it's all in the details.


Monday, September 5, 2011

MOH Duties

This is a hysterical and sweet "what is the Maid/Matron of Honor" responsible for list found on The Knot. See full list here. Love the idea of signing as a witness! Kate

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Follow Up to "So it begins..."

The inspiration board is all fine and dandy-I like what it looked like being there making it even more. It's really the story of our lives as wives.

Note: binders, bumbos, baby toys, iPad, bridesmaid dresses, cabernet sauvignon, buffalo chicken dip, and crafting supplies. It was a perfect thirsty Thursday.

Love preparing!


So It Begins

It's official, my wedding ideas are in full swing. MOH Kate came over last Thursday and we put together my 'inspiration board.'

I want to go with Vermont Romance as our wedding theme. We have decided on our venue; Gabriel's childhood home in Bristol, VT. His parents have a beautiful property, complete with a red barn! Along with the beautiful backdrop, we want the big white tent, white lights and plenty of candles; soft romance will set the least until the real partying commences!

Our colors will be saturated eggplant and emerald. Both are bold enough to carry the month of September without going with the warmer hues of fall. The accent of gray will make our wedding POP.

Now that the creative juices have really started flowing, the next hurdle will be narrowing down what we will be able to execute given our time line and budget. Starting this week (after the scary budget talk with Mom) I will be making preliminary phone calls to the big vendors. A year in advance isn't too far in the wedding world, and I will need to reserve the rentals!

Wish me luck for this week and feel free to leave ideas!


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Group of Gals

Being a recent bridesmaid (back in June, see photo below) I know how PAINFUL and convoluted communication can become.

Anyone else hate chain emails with 65 one liner replies? I sure do.
So, to try and organize the hot mess that is a gaggle of gals in matching dresses from all over the country, I have created a private Facebook group. If you are one of Shannon's bridesmaids, you will receive an invitation to join "Shannon & Gabe's Wedding Party."
This space is for coordinating the showers, parties, the dress shopping trips, etc. It can also serve as a forum of encouragement and support for those of us (me certainly included) who are using this wonderful excuse to get into the best shape possible! It's our own "Shedding for the Wedding."
If you have any questions, comment below, or contact me!
xoxo much coordinated love,
M.O.H. (Kate)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Vermont's Finest

In lieu of table numbers, I will label them with Vermont counties. Or Cities. Or zip codes.

I want our Vermont's Finest theme to be subtle, yet evident. To see more of my wedding ideas, view my wanelo page.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011


What a newly engaged bride needs to hear...


True Love Is...

I will be writing, from time to time, little snippets of what makes me love my fiance so much. Just little one liners that I hope I never take for granted.

True love is...

... never complaining about getting my glass of water after he just got into bed. He always gets up, goes and gets it after I've forgotten.


What Makes Love True

These are real NYC couple love stories and proposal stories, brought to us by Tiffany & Co.

I have GOT to shoot Shannon and Gabe doing independent and couple interviews about their love for their shower or something! Oy! Too cute.

See the video here.

THEY EVEN HAVE A GAY COUPLE! I nearly lost it at my desk to "Harvey & Corrine."

Tiffany's also offers the "What Makes Love True" list. Here are some of my favorites:

No. 5
Small Square Boxes Are Dangerous.

Every woman knows there are only two kinds of rings:
THE RING. And, all other rings.
An unwed man presenting the latter had better prepare
a clever preamble or look for cover.

No. 9
Ask The Father Of The Bride.

Once upon a time, the ritual of asking a father’s permission for the hand of his daughter was an essential tradition fraught with danger. It still is today. The modern young man who ignores this wonderful piece of etiquette displays an alarming lack of civility.

Everyone wants to know that true love is true,


Mother of the Bridezilla

Please let this be a lesson in what not (or better yet NEVER) to wear to all the mothers of this world.

I looked on this "unique vintage" website to track down a particularly fabulous "second dress" find on Wanelo (all the rage with brides now-adays is the Gaga-esque mid-reception change into a shorter, cocktail number for dancing and partying-see below.)

Where I had expected fabulous cheap finds, I found the place where evidently the "mother of the bride" outfits go to die on cheesy models.

I wonder if this designer has a unique relationship between Bravo and the Real Housewives of New Jersey (it certainly would appear so!)

...See the whole hot mess here.

Love that I will never be caught dead wearing this,


A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes

Hold CTRL or Apple command and click here for musical accompaniment.

Almost every little girl dreams of their big fairy tale wedding, and what better embodies that then the Disney movies, especially Cinderella. Over the past few years, the mouse ears have gone seriously couture with jewelery, clothing, and even bridal lines.

It's only appropriate that Shannon keep with the Disney Couture-two year's back I got her the gold and swaroski crystal Cinderella Castle bling'd out chain:

The gown above is of the Alfred Angelo Disney bridal collection "Cinderella" gown, a favorite of Shannon's. I found it quite interesting that the newest memeber of the princess family, Tiana, got a shout out but Mulan did not. Imagine the beautiful Chinese-cut gown? I hope they include her in the near future.

Funny enough, Shannon's mom Cherie ended up in a Sue Wong Disney collection dress for her wedding just this last April. The Disney part was unbeknown to her until after the purchase, but made it all the more "beschert" according to her daughter (Yiddish for "meant to be.")

My cousin Lindsey played Disney classic love songs as her guests were seated at her wedding in May 2010; it was very sweet and so her. They even spent their honey moon at Disney World in Orlando, FL.

Perhaps instead of "something blue" shoes, Shannon and I will have to be on the hunt for something crystal?

We already know I can just make those!

Love that playing make believe has finally come true,


At Last

To get into the proper mood for this entry, hold CTRL or Apple Command and click here.

Familiar violin music? Yes? Well this is how I feel about my engagement yesterday. It felt like the accumulation of a lifetime in the making. Which I suppose it is. What surprised me, was in that minute, I didn't see a reel of things that we already have. I saw our life together going forward. All of these future milestone memories crept into my head and I started to cry.

My tears were filled with births, graduations, family parties and holidays. They were so filled with love that I couldn't contain them. This man, kneeling before me, was giving me the greatest gift I could ever accept: the promise of a wonderful life. The promise that our love together would build it.

The proposal itself was exactly as I always pictured it would be for me. Nothing frilly or over the top. It was us. His words were, "Some of the happiest moments of my life, have been here, in this house with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I love you. Will you marry me?"

Who could say no?

Now it's onto planning and paying. Both of which terrify me. However I have my MOH, Kate to deal with the stuff I simply can't. She will ensure that I show up to my wedding, looking flawless and without stress induced panic.

I cannot wait to marry him.



Wait, just hit me-this is real.

Shannon is engaged, so there is a real wedding coming and a real engagement now.




Monday, August 29, 2011

Keep's just the engagement!

It's no longer playtime or make believe! This news is so wonderful I could just pee myself!

Today, Shannon asked me if I could "take a little Face-time chat break?"

We have never Face-timed. In fact the only time I have used Face-time on my iPhone 4 was when her now fiance called his older and younger brother out in California the day their son was born to show them their brand new nephew.

Obviously, I knew right away. I mean, either Henry, their son, had bypassed crawling entirely and started running OR Gabe had popped the question, which made all the hassle of getting us on the phone together even funnier. Shannon wanted to 'see' my reaction, not hear it.

What a fantastic, brave job Gabe did, going out all on his own to pick out the rings. It's just perfect, because it's not exactly what she had thought it would be, or had picked out for herself. Instead, it is what she never realized she had always wanted; perfectly perfect for her as Gabe is. Plus, as Gabe had said to me when he got it, "It's more flashy than she's expecting."

Here are some of the fabulous tender moments I caught when she told me and officially asked me to be her maid of honor.

Love my wife,


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Someone Please Hire Me to Do This

What an interesting, unique, and EXPENSIVE idea: LIVE WEDDING ARTIST.

I would certainly do live painting at anyone's wedding! It would be so much fun to get back into painting live subjects, and as I'm not exactly 'reputable' I would be so cheap, like $500!

You can see my older oil and acrylic paintings on my art blog or Facebook albums.

LOVE the idea of live oil painting,


Ballin' Menu for $55/head

This is the "Wedding Package Two" from the Burlington Country Club

$55.00 per person

Your Choice of Three Displayed
Cheese Board with Crackers and Baguettes
Crudité with Ranch Dip
Grilled Vegetable Display
Mediterranean Display

Your Choice of Five Passed Hors D’ Oeuvres
Vegetable Stuffed Mushrooms
Brie and Grape Salsa Phyllo Cups
Chicken Satays
Beef Satays
Duck Bouche
Vegetable Egg Rolls
Bacon Wrapped Scallops
Crab Stuffed Mushrooms

First Course

Choice of House Salad or Caesar Salad
with Freshly Baked Rolls

Second Course

Your Choice of One or Two Selections
Crispy Potato Gnocchi Primavera
Chicken Marsala
Bacon Wrapped Cod with Pancetta Roasted Potatoes
and a Thyme Beurre Blanc
Prime Rib with au Jus
Pan Seared Snapper
Orchard Chicken
Your Choice of Starch Your Choice of Vegetable
Roasted Potatoes Asparagus
Wild Rice Pilaf Broccoli
Mashed Potatoes Vegetable Medley

LOVE these choices,


Fill in the Blank Vows

For Him:

"When I first saw you at ____, I know that we were meant to be together. In many ways, I felt like you ____ me, sharing the same ____ interests and preference for ____. In time I realized that you were, in fact, a better person than me, and over the course of our relationship, you taught me how to ____ again through your ____ and ____. What I love most about you is that you are ____, ____ and ____, but that doesn't even begin to sum up how extraordinary you truly are. I feel so ___ that I am ____ enough to be the person who can see all of these things on a daily basis. There is something ___ in everything you do, and I want to share it with the world. My love for you is ____. I promise, in front of everyone here today, that I will ____ and ____ you for the rest of my days. All these things, I pledge for the rest of my life."

For Her:

"When I first met you at ____, I have to admit, I thought you were a bit ____. But you proved me wrong right away and have been my main source of ____ for the past few years, helping me to find an abundance of ____ and ____. What I love most about you is that you are ____, ____ and ____. Standing here today in front of all our friends and family, I promise to cherish you and ____ you for the rest of our days. You are the most ____ person to come into my life, and I am thankful for the opportunity to share it with you forever. On this day, I make the vow to always be ____ and ____ to you so that our love can develop into something ____ as we grow old together. These things, I pledge to you for the rest of my life."

Marriage mad libs?


Inspiration Board 1

Guess who?

-Monogrammed treats and decor
-Vermont country home wedding
-Amethyst and eggplant purple
-Emerald green
-Grey and khaki
-Natural, pink/bronze make up
-Outdoor ceremony
-Friends and family
-Photo wall
-Variety of bold fonts in paper invites, signs, menus, etc.
-Vermont-themed decor and favors
-Bezel-set diamonds
-Hand drawn map to ceremony/reception
-Lots of bridesmaids
-Drinking lemonade from ball jars
-Candid photography

Love clipping magazines,


P.S. I can't believe I happened to have a picture of a cookie with the groom's initials.

Friday, August 26, 2011

No Ding Ding Without a Wedding Ring!

I don't care if she'll even use this, but I am making this ring bearing pillow like...TONIGHT...for Shannon and Gabe. VT-shaped and emerald of course. I literally already have everything I need to do this.

See her VT here.

While I'm at it, brides-I will make any state or shape for you for your wedding ring pillow for $10!

Thrifty crafty love,


Cute Attack Volume 1: Onesie

Just get ready to squeal. Etsy is the death of me! I should just say from now on, my favorite wedding theme is "ETSY." I love how DIY, feathers, vintage, and quirky is so in, not just for weddings, but across the fashion and style landscape. American woman are just so freaking fabulous.

Honestly? It's just insane how perfect this onesie is for the two mommy brides in my life, Laura and Shannon.

The etsy artisan who produced this isn't selling them for too bad of a price, $20-30 but, I will gladly make this for anyone, free of charge-just supply the onesie and paint color of your choice. Gerber or American Apparel + cheap craft paint = thrifty craftionista genius.

Many more cute attacks to come! Perhaps cute attack of the week? Post your ideas and links in the comments please!

Cute love,


Thursday, August 25, 2011

Shannon's Not So Surprise Shower

Yes, I am a nutter, and I have already mentally planned out most of the details of my wife's future TBD ffany's Theme Bridal Shower.

After a very successful baby shower for Henry, one which many guests called "The best they had ever been to!" I have set the bar quite high for myself and aim to please and impress that same crowd.

Miss Fitzpatrick HATES surprises more than anything. This is the person who read the last chapter of the last book of the Harry Potter series, ran into my room of our then apartment, and asked "Kate, what's a horcrux?" before EVER reading ANY of the series. I think I threw something at her...

Back to bridal showers. If anything, she will love seeing previews of my ideas so we can collaborate, dream, and scheme together.

So for Shannie's Shower I see a lot of Breakfast at Tiffany's going on. I know it's been done, but it's like the LBD and pearls that Audrey dons in the first moments of the iconic film; never. goes. out. of. style.

First, I will need to do a creative drawing or shoot of Shan looking Ms. Golightly a la:

That will be the invite. Attire? Little black, white, or turquoise dresses/dressy clothing. If you don't show up in dress code? Oh well...but you suck and are no fun.

I will set up a cute little photo 'booth' station with a point and shoot set to black and white. There will be props set out for guests from the movie for gals to pose with. Then, prints will be posted to Facebook of course, and one tangible copy per guest will be given along with the thank you cards from Shannon.

For gifts that come in envelopes and monetary donations? I will construct this:

For those less crafty brides-to-be or maids, you can BUY this instead, again on the all mighty etsy.

All cups, plates, and decor will be silver to honor the Tiffany's aesthetic, with touches of gold, faux diamonds, and white. I will serve tiny white cupcakes with Tiffany Blue frosting and piped white ribbons, as well as these adorable cookies I found on Wanelo:

If I am going out of mind with planning, however, these are $33 on etsy.

Why do other stores even exist?

Little NYC touches will be around...I have to think more on these things, but in general, we've got a lot of glitz, fun girlie glamor in store, with treats, pearls, and gifts everywhere.

Love that Tiffany's,


Balls Out Ball Jars!

So funny how something I have been in love with as long as I can remember is cropping up all over, not only in wedding trends, but home and garden decor, jewelery, and even art!

The fabulous vintage/antique Ball jar.

Get art print here.

I have a whole concept in mind, where blue Ball jars will be used in both the centerpieces, as foundation and larger pieces to antiques/findings clusters placed on a large tree slice with our initials burned into them on each table, and through out the reception decor (as vases, lanterns, places for cards and notes.) See my sketch and one I found online that is very similar:

"Found Object Center Pieces"

What does my scribble say?

Along the left hand side: Bridesmaids in gray, gold, turquoise, celadon, and kelly with flowers and shoes in same colors, just not MATCHING. i.e. a gal with a turquoise flower in her hair in a gray dress with kelly shoes. Jordan immediately vetoed the idea of mismatching color bridesmaids. "What's this? A f*cking crayola box? It'll look like PROM. Bridesmaids wear same dress, same color, same fabric." I was certainly surprised at his knowledge and strong opinions on bridesmaid decor...

Below my sketch it says: pebbles, stones, wild flowers, antique glass, sea glass, shells, sticks (painted gold and silver), acordns, pinecones (glittered in wedding colors), birds, Legos, gnomes.

Note to trifling bitches: don't cop my steez!

Not to mention something like this on my save the date with a fabulous picture of my man and I?

Buy it here on the mecca of all that is fabulous, etsy. I would never buy those...I prefer to creatively rip off things and DIY!

I have decided it will be a quest for my wedding party to go junking after I announce my engagement for antique glass pieces (milk glass, old apothecary bottles, and vases) and of course, as many g.d. blue Ball jars they can grab! Lazy ladies can even buy them online here!

I'll be 'Ballin' on my wedding day!

Love that vintage hue for something blue,


A Shout Out to the Wedding Bloggers

Julie and Jeremy (married June 18th, 2011.)
Unfortunately they did not catalog the journey of the actual wedding planning but more all the blood, sweat, and tears and growth that can come from such a life changing event as a move across country, an engagement, and love.

This blog is from a lovely acquaintance, if you will, named Jessica. Try and follow along here: she is the fiance of my best friend's boyfriend/baby's father's older brother Colin. Ooof! They have quite the task on their hands, newly engaged, and pulling off a wedding in May 2012! Voila la "Bumbling Bride."

Blog love,


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

You Say Potato, I Say Vera Wang

Vera calls her green and purple "Moss" and "Amethyst."

However, Shannon calls her wedding colors "Emerald" and "Eggplant."

I just call this dress, which comes in green and purple fabulous for this future maid-of-honor (without the silly clover brooch!)

Some caveats:

The "Amethyst" is not shown as a full dress anywhere on David's Bridal's website, just a teeny tiny square. If the purple did not match Shannon's purple...bridal aesthetic disaster. Also, that's a LOT of cleavage for a wedding, but I did just appear as a bridesmaid and singer in June in this number:

Regardless, the greatest part of this gorgeous gown is that is costs $168! Cheaper than most ugly bridesmaids dresses, you get to claim the coveted name dropping of Ms. Vera Wang, and have money leftover for fabulous shoes!

Here's hoping I get to figure out how to maneuver around in this number next September out in Bristol.

Love that Wang,


Another Bloggin' Blog?

Yes-I know-another blog. This adventure tracking blog, really a place to share and track ideas for years to come, joins the ranks of my Art Blog and France blog and 'other blog.'

Sitting in front of me now on the dining room table, next to my laptop, is a 5" thick binder that I started accumulating contents for probably ten years ago.I'm thinking now why not move into the 21st century and have a digital binder?

This blog also coincides with my Wanelo list for Wedding Ideas, which truly is more of the binder in this internet universe.

Either way, I suggest following the stream of lovely photos I collect on Wanelo and this blog (you should be on Wanelo if you are not already.) My 'wifey' (I guess my first marriage) even has a collection on Wanelo for her wedding ideas, with the description "Stuff Kate has to deal with."

So true, and it all will be executed with love and enthusiasm.

This should be fun for both brides-to-be and those who, like myself, are not yet engaged or married but have an inexplicable obsession with not just the commitment of marriage but the beautiful celebration thrown to start one!

Happy reading, and please, please post your comments, thoughts, and ideas to share!

Love always,
