Thursday, September 22, 2011


My lovely-wifey-to-be-a-real-wifey has decided to distinguish myself as the MOH (as all bridesmaids except the junior will be in a matching amethyst Vera Wang silk chiffon gown, no big deal...) I am going to wear a fascinator in my hair.

DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY THOUSANDS OF GORGEOUS FASCINATORS THERE ARE ON THE WORLD WIDE WEB? Just use stumble upon ans select "Wedding." You'll be lost for hours !Here's one outstanding site, so beautifully laid out. Who knew fabric flowers could cost so much? I mean come on...did you mill it yourself, hand dye it, fashion it into a flower, then sprinkle it in magic fairy dust? Looks like it but I doubt it!

It's simply fascinating, and overwhelming. I want so much to just "make" mine, but there are so many fabulous international female artisans to support.

I have been corresponding with Kate(I think it's fate,) located in Australia, over etsy to have this item below custom made with emerald instead of ivory feathers:

Yes, it's $94.95, but the shipping is free, it would be custom made and one of a kind, and I would certainly wear it again to say...her daughter's baby shower...or my rehearsal dinner...the bachelorette party...who knows! Her whole shop "Spoiled Pretty" is adorable.

Can't WAIT to fascinate,


1 comment:

  1. Stumbleupon gave me SO many ideas. Glad you guys are using it too! Love the fascinator!
