Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What Makes Love True

These are real NYC couple love stories and proposal stories, brought to us by Tiffany & Co.

I have GOT to shoot Shannon and Gabe doing independent and couple interviews about their love for their shower or something! Oy! Too cute.

See the video here.

THEY EVEN HAVE A GAY COUPLE! I nearly lost it at my desk to "Harvey & Corrine."

Tiffany's also offers the "What Makes Love True" list. Here are some of my favorites:

No. 5
Small Square Boxes Are Dangerous.

Every woman knows there are only two kinds of rings:
THE RING. And, all other rings.
An unwed man presenting the latter had better prepare
a clever preamble or look for cover.

No. 9
Ask The Father Of The Bride.

Once upon a time, the ritual of asking a father’s permission for the hand of his daughter was an essential tradition fraught with danger. It still is today. The modern young man who ignores this wonderful piece of etiquette displays an alarming lack of civility.

Everyone wants to know that true love is true,


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