Monday, August 29, 2011

Keep's just the engagement!

It's no longer playtime or make believe! This news is so wonderful I could just pee myself!

Today, Shannon asked me if I could "take a little Face-time chat break?"

We have never Face-timed. In fact the only time I have used Face-time on my iPhone 4 was when her now fiance called his older and younger brother out in California the day their son was born to show them their brand new nephew.

Obviously, I knew right away. I mean, either Henry, their son, had bypassed crawling entirely and started running OR Gabe had popped the question, which made all the hassle of getting us on the phone together even funnier. Shannon wanted to 'see' my reaction, not hear it.

What a fantastic, brave job Gabe did, going out all on his own to pick out the rings. It's just perfect, because it's not exactly what she had thought it would be, or had picked out for herself. Instead, it is what she never realized she had always wanted; perfectly perfect for her as Gabe is. Plus, as Gabe had said to me when he got it, "It's more flashy than she's expecting."

Here are some of the fabulous tender moments I caught when she told me and officially asked me to be her maid of honor.

Love my wife,


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