Saturday, January 21, 2012

Wedding/Important Day Make Up tips and NEEDS

Dear Bride/s and Bridesmaids and family and friends and anyone who wants me to touch their face for any photo shoots, rehearsal dinners, engagement parties, weddings, showers, parties, dates, etc. PLEASE note the following and go shopping (it's early for Shannon and Gabe's wedding, I know, so for those gals wait until July/August to best match after summer skin tone):

This is Kate, by the way, can you tell?

-Please have your own favorite mascara, own eye lash curler, and a favorite lip gloss to use for any get togethers-eyes and mouths are gross and we could give each other funky stuff (yuck)

-Your own brushes are not necessary but always appreciated to use in the mix

-If you want facial contouring for heavily photographed days (slimmer nose, higher cheek bones, thinner face, usually most appropriate for makeup on perhaps THE wedding day and bachelorette party, or wedding shower!) please have the following purchased and ready:

1. A creamy foundation that matches your exact color (I know a lot of us love mineral wear brands, they're important too, but not as good for contouring.)
2. A creamy foundation or creamy concealer (Cargo brand's "The one" is best) too light, literally two shades too light, for your skin
3. A creamy foundation that is far too dark for you, like an extreme creamy bronzer without shimmer or foundation for an African American.

-If you have facial acne, acne scars or pits, or any facial scars, pits, uneven texture, OR very large pores, please have the following:

1. A creamy foundation that matches your face color
2. Those cheap triangle make up sponges you can get at Rite Aid/Duane Reade...any pharmacy or Walmart!
3. A translucent matte powder in either no color, a bit lighter than your color, or exact match (but not darker or shiny or sparkly.)

-Every gal should own a fabulous concealer. Contrary to many popular beliefs, it should be yellow tone based no matter your skin tone (I am quite red, I still have a yellow based concealer.) I now know how to make "corrector" out of concealer and other fun stuff to match your needs on the spot. Some of you may have corrector and are using it as concealer, thing the BOING pot by Benefit or any other rosey, peachy pot cream "concealers." That's cool-just means you have corrector already and probably need what's actually concealer. I'm happy to consult.

I CAN'T WAIT to do the make up for Shannon's wedding! Well, her's at least. She's #1, y'all other get in line.



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