Saturday, January 28, 2012

New Venue

A few weeks ago we figured out that our original venue wasn't going to be suitable after all. Where we had planned on having our reception was actually a leach field, owned by the town of Bristol...

After some mild panic attacks and clever rearrangement we are getting married a week earlier than we originally planned, due to a mix up at Burlington Country Club. After meeting with Lisa, the Clubhouse Manager and Event coordinator, Kate, Mom and I had a really great sense of the space.

A wide open field for our ceremony. We will have our guests arranged in an octagon to feel more inclusive. Then cocktail hour on the stone wall patio with the reception taking place inside the Clubhouse. Kate had her legal pad out asking all the right questions and Lisa was really, really accommodating. She basically told us to think of the space as completely bare and create it as we wish. Music to a bride's ears.

Granted there are now details to work out, but having a solidified venue sure does help.

That and red wine.


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