Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Peacock and a Dove

That analogy is the new catch phrase Shannon and I have coined for what it will be like when I stand up next to her as her Maid of Honor.

It completely encompasses our personal styles, not just on that day, but in life, and our personalities. It's just perfect for...everything.

I am, of course, they crazy purple and emerald bedazzled peacock, boisterous, all bosoms and hair and fascinators and singing proudly showing my feathers...etc.

Shannon, on the other hand, will be the perfect calm dove, flawless makeup on, bridal glow in full force, in her gorgeous gown, calmly and graciously thanking and greeting and hugging her friends and family as the "Mrs"...all ivory and pearls and love and perfection.

A peacock and a dove.

Speaking of being the peacock, I got these images from my dear Etsy friend, another "Kate" [Kate rhymes with fate] who is in Australia building my custom MOH fascinator. Her shop is fantastic, called "spoiled pretty." I highly recommend it to any bride or fabulously stylish woman.

Shan and I agreed early on there should be something distinctive and different as we're all wearing that fabulous Vera Wang, and the fascinator is tres moi, very of the times, brings in her wedding colors, and is blinged out. I also get to support a "not so local" artisan in the process!

I cannot wait to see what each and every one of the SEVEN maids brings to her gown accessorizing expressing their personal style and interpretation of "Vermont Romance."

Here is the finding/pin/comb:

Here are the feathers:

Here is the style: (previously photographed on this blog.)

Six and a half months and counting...

What's crazy is that Henry's first birthday marks exactly six months until their wedding date, as we had that "fun" near disaster with the venue, and pushed the wedding forward one week to September 8th, 2012.

Everything is happening so fast! Soon Shannon will be Shannon Kinlund, married to the love of her life, but she will always have her peacock at her side.

MOH <3 Kate

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I am sitting at Kate's kitchen table somewhere between laughing and crying. We have been working on wedding stuff for about ten hours.

We are desperately trying to print mock ups of my Bridal Shower invitations. First PhotoShop wouldn't recognize the printer. After about the sixth trial, we tried another application. We got closer but because the card stock is an odd size. We need to be able to customize it under the actual Printer settings.

Did I mention she is trying to do this on an Dell?

DIY weddings are a great idea, in theory.
