Sunday, October 30, 2011


Kate and I started creating prototypes of the crafts I want to incorporate to the wedding. There are several different projects that we will work on over the next 10.5 months and getting an accurate timeline requires prepping materials. Sitting down and actually making one or two of each craft to see what works, what doesn't and how quickly we will be able to knock these out!

We want to make centerpiece lanterns, favors, ring pillow, photo-booth props, etc. By shopping Michael's sales and bringing along our coupons we are getting materials for a song and using our collective effort.

**Full disclaimer: Kate is truly the artsy one. I am merely an apprentice, although I'm getting some great on the job training. I want it to feel like these are my ideas and be fully involved with every touch of our wedding. I'm so lucky that my MOH was a studio art minor in college.

So, this past week, we started an art project that I don't want to talk too much about as they are surprises for my Bridesmaids. I'm really excited about this, even though it may take several weeks (ok, probably a couple of months) to finish all of them. Well worth it I think. I even created an original color!

As things come along, I will post photos.

Love ,


It feels like it took forever, but our Save-The-Date magnets arrived yesterday! They look really great and I'm excited to get them in the mail early in the week. Gabriel has a few extra addresses he has to fish for but we are in great shape with our Google Docs Excel sheet.

MOH Kate originated an eight page private doc that has kept track of guest list, music selections, craft ideas and vendors. It was a bit overwhelming when it arrived in my inbox, however it has been such a help keeping track of key wedding items. The best part? It's totally free! It's totally replaced my need to buy Office for iOS for over $150. (Sorry Mr. Gates)

I sat down last night and got to work writing out addresses and I was smart when I ordered 80. Some are easier, as they go to whole families. I think our furthest invite award goes to Gabriel's brother and future sister-in-law out in Oakland! We are so excited to fly out there in June to visit and attend their wedding.

Another thing off the To-Do List. Look for the magnets coming to a mailbox near you!


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Keep Calm...It's just a TEMPLATE


Very odd...

Once I tried out "dynamic" blogging (which confused poor Shannon to death) I tried to switch back to the old turquoise/golden thing I had going on with the white lace dresses only to find it had magically disappeared from the blogosphere.

We'll have to settle for happy spring colors and dandelions for now!


Saturday, October 8, 2011

Who has the best MOH!?

THIS GIRL! I got a very special treat in the mail today...

Tell me this isn't the most awesome thing a future-bride could be wearing? I am so in love with it and see myself wearing it for years to come. Because I love it so much in fact, I have ordered one for my future-sister-in-law, Jessica. She is marrying Gabriel's older brother Colin in June 2012. We are commiserating on wedding planning together. It's been a great for ideas and support.

THANK YOU KATE POST! You are the MOH with the most! Love you.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

True Love Is...

I'm sitting on my couch with a head cold, admiring the October sun and listening to Beauty Queen Sister. Our baby is (thankfully) taking his morning nap and I'm having a deep moment of reflection.

"I have nothing to give, except for to live, as the person you know me to be."

True love is... being enough for each other. You and me. Me and you.